Adding PA Secure ID metadata field in Classlink
Sapphire SIS Users
These instructions were provided by one of our customers. Smart Futures staff does not have access to the school side of Classlink. If you have questions about this process, please contact Classlink support, or support for your SIS.
- Have Sapphire to turn on the metadata.state_id field for their OneRoster export.
- Contact ClassLink and ask them to make sure they are importing that field and make it visible to your account.
- Go to your preprocessor and switch it to user, add a new transform and set it up as shown in the “transform creation” attachment.
Classlink - Transform Creation - Head back to apps, find the Smart Futures app and go to the filter fields setting. See attached “app filter fields”.
Classlink - App Filter Fields - Make sure to enable metadata to be exported with the export, and they will need to select their new metadata.PASecureID field to be exported. See “metadata filter field enabled”.
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