Navigating Classes & Reports

Navigating Classes & Reports

Under the My Students, you will find:
  1. Users Online
  2. My Classes
  3. My Reports

Users Online

This will show you which students in your Classes are currently logged in to Smart Futures. If you don't have Classes set up yet, you will not be able to see any students here. 

My Classes

Classes are the basis for reports available for Teachers. If your district/school is using automated rostering, then you will likely have several Classes already created in your account. Even if you have Classes created for you, you can create additional Classes as well.

To see any Classes you may have, click on the “My Classes” link on the left side of the Teacher Dashboard or use the “Manage Classes” link in your Quick Links. Clicking on the name of any class will open the roster for that Class and show you and students currently in that Class. 

To create a Class, click on the “Create New Class +” button. On the next screen, enter a name for the Class and click “Save”. (The comments field is optional.) After saving, you will be taken back to you Class list.

To add Students to a Class, click on the Class name to view the roster, and then click on the “Add Student +” button.

You can search for Students to add to your Class by Grad Year or name, or by school building for districts. Entering data for all three fields will restrict the search results more. If you are not finding the student(s) you are looking for, try entering only their first or last name, avoiding using common first or last names if possible. For example, if the student’s name is Nathan Smith, search for just “Nathan” will return search results faster and give you less results to look through than using “Smith”.

In the resulting list of students’ names, you can click on the round plus sign icon at the end of the row to add individual students, or you can click on the checkbox at the beginning of the row to select multiple students and then click the “Add Student +” button to add all checked students to that Class.

To remove a student from a Class, while looking at the Class roster, click on the red circle x icon at the end of the row with the student’s name.

From the Class roster, you can also see each students’ login ID and password, Grad Year, IEP status, Future Ready compliance status. The “Options” drop-down in each row will all you to login as the student, view the student’s plan, and view the student’s portfolio. You can also change the student’s grad year or IEP status from here, if needed. Student usernames and passwords cannot currently be changed by Teachers or Coordinators. You can login as the Student to change the password, or you can contact Smart Futures Support for assistance with this.

My Reports

There are a several different reports. For reach report, you’ll be asked to select the Class you want to run the report for. 

Student Login Info

This report shows you the login ID and password for each student, as well as their Grad Year, Enroll Date (in Smart Futures, not the school/district), and IEP status. The “Options” drop-down in each row will all you to login as the student, view the student’s plan, and view the student’s portfolio.

This report also allows you to review the Class Login History, to see when students in the Class have logged in. 


This report shows how many activities are completed by each student in the Class in each grade band, as well as how many badges the Student has earned. The “Options” drop-down in each row will all you to login as the student, view the student’s plan, and view the student’s portfolio.


This report shows you the status of each activity per student, and whether is has been started, is completed, or has not been started at all. The default view for each Class is the current level or grade band of the Class, but a specific Grade Band (Level) can be chosen as well. In addition, the report can also be adjusted to show Skills completion status and Portfolio Content status. (If no information is showing, try clicking on the “+ Show All Columns” toggle link on the right. 

Progress Monitoring - Updated in 2023:

CEW - Career Education & Work: This report shows Grad Year, Enroll Date, IEP status, and activity completion count for each the student’s current grade band. There is a key at the top and bottom of the list explaining to color-coding of the compliance fraction. The first number is the number of individual artifacts for that student, and the second number is the number of strands those artifacts cover. So, a student with 6/3 has 6 artifacts covering 3 of the 4 strands. 

The colors are as follows:
  • Green - student has met the minimum artifact requirements for their grade band
  • Yellow - student needs one more artifact to meet the minimum requirements for their grade band
  • Red - student needs two or more artifacts to meet the minimum requirements for their grade band
For yellow and red indicators, if you hover  your mouse over the indicator, the tooltip will tell you how many artifacts are needed and what specific strands still need to be covered. 

The “Options” drop-down in each row will all you to login as the student, view the student’s plan, and view the student’s portfolio.

IRC - Industry Recognized Credentials: This report tracks the students' IRC progress. IRCs can be submitted from the student's Portfolio, or if a student completes five Skills Badges in Smart Futures, that counts as one IRC. If a student is doing this, the tracking will show how many out of five are completed i.e. 1/5, or Y if the student has submitted a certified IRC from the Portfolio

WBL: Work Based Learning (not functional yet, but coming soon)

Pre-Survey Responses

For Teachers of high School students (grade band 9-Adult), this report shows a graph of the percentage of answer choices for each question in the pre-survey – just click on each question to display the results. From the results page, you can also choose to limit the data range by date, or to see the data from all organizations (default is to only see data for your own school/district.)

Customer Report Maker

This area allows you to choose from several different types of repots and include additional data. The report can then be downloaded as a CSV or Excel file.

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