Rostering Instructors with Smart Futures

Rostering Instructors with Smart Futures

Option 1:  Registration of instructors (and students) by or

The best scenario is to have all rostering handled through an automated nightly process through the Clever or Classlink systems.  Prior to implementing, it is worth it to have your IT team talk to SmartFuture’s team to see if automated rostering through these systems is possible.  If so, it gives schools automated set up of all users and classes and keeps everything updated as the year rolls on.  It also gives students and instructors a single sign-on solution for all the applications you use.

Districts may choose to register instructors by creating and sending an Excel file to Smart Futures for a one-time mass import.

The following are the fields to include in your file:


JobTitle (optional)





Phone Number (optional)

NCES_ID should be for long form version that includes the district and building codes. Phone number can be instructor’s or school’s and should be 10-digits. 

Once submitted, teacher’s login at with their ID and Password those were included in the file.

A copy of a template with the required fields can be found here:

Save the template file to your computer and add the information. You should not try to edit the template file directly. 
Name your files using this convention: districtname_instructors_mddyyyy.csv.

Send your file(s) to when they are ready. 

Option 3:  Instructors self-register

  1. Go to
  2. Click on CODE REQUEST on the top menu.
  3. Choose your district/school/type of org and then fill out the forms.  If your school or district is not listed, add it as a NEW school/district.  A request will be sent to Smart Futures for approval.
  4. Within 24 hours (usually much less) you will receive a 16-digit code from Follow the instructions on the email to create your account.

Option 4: Coordinators add new Instructors

As a Coordinator, you can create add new Teachers from your Smart Futures account
  1. Log into as a Coordinator
  2. Go to the My Teachers section on the left and click on View/Add/Remove
  3. Click on the Add Teacher button
  4. Enter the Teacher information and click Submit
  5. A code request will be submitted to Smart Futures, and we will send a code to the teacher by email so that they can create their account. Ask the to click on the link in their email and follow the instructions. 

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