V2: Progress Monitoring report

V2: Progress Monitoring report

CEW (Career Education & Work) tab

This tab of the Progress Monitoring report shows how many artifacts each student has completed for their current grade band in the default view. You can see the artifact count for each grade band by toggling the "Show all Grade Bands" toggle on the right side.

There is a key at the top of the list (the icon that looks like a key) explaining to color-coding of the compliance indicator.

  • the top number is the number of individual artifacts for that student in that grade band
  • the bottom number is the number of strands those artifacts cover
  • So, a student with 6/3 has 6 artifacts covering 3 of the 4 strands.
The colors are as follows:
  • Green - student has met the minimum artifact requirements for their grade band
  • Yellow - student needs one more artifact to meet the minimum requirements for their grade band
  • Red - student needs two or more artifacts to meet the minimum requirements for their grade band

For yellow and red indicators, if you hover your mouse over the indicator, the tooltip will tell you how many artifacts are needed or what specific strands still need to be covered.

While the report defaults to the current grade band for each student based on their grad year, there is an expanded view for students in grades 4-5. The K-5 column shows the total artifacts from grades 4 & 5, as well as up to 2 artifacts from K-3. The K-3 column will show all artifacts from when the student was in K-3. 

IRC (Industry Recognized Credentials) tab

This report tracks the students' IRC progress. IRCs can be submitted from the student's Portfolio, or if a student completes five qualifying micro-credentials in Smart Futures, that counts as one IRC. If a student is doing this, the tracking will show how many out of five are completed i.e. 1/5, or Y if the student has submitted a certified IRC from the Portfolio

WBL (Work Based Learning) tab

not functional yet, but coming soon

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