My Roster - Instructors
V2: Adding New Teachers and Coordinators
1. Log in to Smart Futures as a Coordinator. 2. Click "Instructors" 3. Click "Add Instructor" 4. Enter an email address. 5. If there is an existing account in our database with that email address, you will be asked to ...
V2: Give an existing Instructor the Coordinator role
1. Navigate to 2. Click "Instructors" 3. Click this Action Menu icon for the Instructor you want to promote to Coordinator. 4. Click "Change Role" 5. Click "Coordinator" 6. Click "OK" View Scribe: ...
FAQ - I only see Coordinator and User roles - Where did my instructor role go?
FAQ - I only see Coordinator and User roles - Where did my instructor role go? In V2, you are either Instructor or Coordinator, not both. Coordinator has all the same functions as Instructor.