V2: Gradebook Report overview

V2: Gradebook Report overview

Interacting with the Gradebook Report

  1. Use the Filters box to select which students you want to see data for in the Gradebook report. The Filters box follows you through different reports, so any search criteria entered on a different report will show here as well unless you remove it or use the reset button to remove all search criteria. 
  2. As you scroll horizontally, the students' names will be minimized to their initials only. You can "lock" the names by clicking on the lock icon in the header of the Names column. 
  3. The Gradebook report can be expanded on your screen by clicking on the "expand" icon (circle with two opposing arrows in it) in the top right, outlined by the red rectangle in the above photo.

Reviewing Students' Activity Answers

    The activities tab of the Gradebook report shows which students have completed which activities in a spreadsheet-like format. 

    1. The light yellow boxes indicate an activity that a student has started but has not completed, showing the date it was started. 
    2. The dark green boxes indicate an activity that a student has completed, showing the date it was completed. You can click on this box to view the student's entries for this activity. 
    3. The red boxes show an activity that has a flag placed on it. If an alert is on an activity, it is removed from count of artifacts for that student.
    4. The light red boxes show an activity that had a Flag and has been resubmitted by the student. You can click on this box to review the student's updated entry for this activity, and you can approve their response or place a new alert on the activity. 
    There is a key available to identify what the different colors mean by clicking on the "key" icon in the top right, outlined by the red rectangle in the above photo.
    1. You can review students' answers for a completed activity by clicking on the green box for that student/activity. 
      PDE says that all artifacts should be done with integrity, If the student's answers do not meet your standards for "done with integrity," you can add a Flag to the activity to give the student feedback on what needs to be addressed. Putting a Flag on the activity will remove it from the count of artifacts for that student/grade band until the Flag is removed or the activity is marked as complete.
    2. The 6-8 Grade Band page includes columns for the Resume. If the student has created a resume in the Smart Futures resume builder, it can be reviewed from here,
    3. The 6-8 Grade Band page also includes a column for the 6-8 Career Plan. If they student has completed the four activities necessary to create the 6-8 Career Plan, it can be viewed from here. 

    Reviewing Students' Micro-credentials

    The Micro-credentials tab of the Gradebook report shows which students have attempted or completed the SKILLS assessments in Smart Futures.
    1. The light yellow boxes indicate a micro-credential assessment that a student has attempted but did not pass. 
    2. The dark green boxes indicate a micro-credential assessment that a student has completed, showing the date it was completed. Clicking on a completed micro-credential will show you when it was completed and the score the student received on the assessment.

    Reviewing Students' Portfolio Content

    The Portfolio tab of the Gradebook report shows items that have been added to the Portfolio for each student. If that student has at least one item of that type, the number of items will show in the box. Clicking on that box will give you information about those items, and allow you to see the evidence related to that Portfolio item.

    Although micro-credentials show in the Portfolio in the Industry Recognized Credentials section, they are not included in the Portfolio tab in Gradebook; they are only shown on the Micro-credentials tab,.

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